Project Credits:
UPenn Dept of ARCH745, Nonlinear Systems Biology & Design (Sabin & Jones)
Project 1:
Matrix Mapping
Dale Suttle, Qiao Song, Ziyue Wei
The movement of endothelial cells (ECs) within the pulmonary arterial system is largely dependent and also influenced by the Extracellular Matrix (ECM.) The influence is largely possible through the connection of each cells cytoskeleton to the Matrix. In the case of the pulmonary arterial cells which we will be focusing, the ECM is more specifically known as a Basement Membrane.
Based on the definitive relationship of ECM and EC we will explore the movement and networking capabilities of the ECs through the definition of the ECM around the cells. Rather than defining the relationship of the cells to one another directly, we believe that we can better capture a dynamic map or understanding of the networking of cells over time through the modeling of the construction and destruction of the ECM. In the way that a general trend can be derived from the mapping of a series of points in a graph, we believe that by looking at the negative space rather than the positive (the cell networks themselves,) we will gain a greater understanding of the networks and their useful properties from the plotted record of their paths in the ECM.
Project 2:
Percolative Transition and Network Formation
Chi Dang, Alexander Lee, Annabelle Su