For the NETWORKING project, we investigated part-to-whole relationships during capillary formation by lung endothelial cells. At the biological level, coordinated cellular networking is required to form the exquisite fractal network that emerges in the developing and mature lung to facilitate efficient gas exchange from birth onwards. Real-time imaging of endothelial cells cultured within specialized microenvironments, that either suppress or promote networking, formed the basis of this project. At the architectural design levels, the examination of this dynamic cellular networking system--through diagramming and abstraction—has provided a new approach to the examination of programming, form, structure and experience. Additionally, we are able to examine how part to whole relationships are articulated through matrix driven acts of nonlinear fabrication.
Project Credits:
UPenn Dept of ARCH745, Nonlinear Biosynthesis (Sabin & Jones)
Jonathan Asher, AJ Chan, Kenta Fukanishi, Chris Lee, Andrew Lucia & Alison Schue (M.ARCH & L.ARP, 08/09 candidates, PennDesign)
Jan Baranski (IME, B.S.)