Andrew Lucia has been an active member of LabStudio since its inception in 2007. Andrew is a designer specializing in architectural, spatial, and computational design, as well as interactive media, digital fabrication, and data visualization. His current research and work broadly examine applications of Systems and Information Theory in relation to aesthetics, perception, data and material organizations within dynamic systems. Andrew currently teaches seminars at Cornell University, exploring these interests through multi-media and representation courses. Andrew extends these inquiries both within his own practice (Andrew Lucia Design & Research) and LabStudio where these concepts are applied to analytic and projective inquiries varying from issues rooted in cellular motility in the biological sciences to architectural design, data & music visualization, and market dynamics. Andrew formerly taught graduate seminars in the Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at PennDesign.
Andrew's work and writings have been published in Leonardo Music Journal, Science, American Journal of Pathology, the New York Times, Wired Magazine, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation, as well as in a forthcoming issue of CENTER (2012) and a forthcoming book chapter in Knowledge Visualization Currents: from Text to Art to Culture (Springer-Verlag, 2012). His work has been exhibited at venues both nationally and internationally, including Picture Ray Studios, NYC and at Ars Electronic, Linz, Austria.
Andrew received his Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania (2008) and his B.A. in Architecture from the University of Minnesota (2001). In additional to working within LabStudio, Andrew has 10+ years of architecture experience, initially practicing residential architecture as a designer and project manager for five years in the offices of Yunker+Asmus Architects and M+A Architecture. He has since worked on several prominent projects as a designer in the offices of su11 architecture+design, Ruy Klein, and Barkow Leibinger Architects, as well as project team member for Keller Easterling Architect.
View an introductory video to Labstudio's work here.