Erica Savig has been with LabStudio since its inception in 2007. She is currently completing a PhD within Cancer Biology at Stanford University, committing her computational design skills to the sciences and medicine. Techniques and ways of thinking about parametric geometries and dynamic systems within architecture bring new approaches to the massive biological data problem being tackled by computer scientists and bioinformaticists. Erica’s work visualizes large biological data sets from dynamic living cell systems. She generates multi-dimensional and interactive graphical organizations of information, as a means of data exploration and analysis, to reveal patterns and understanding of the underlying biology and disease.
Erica is currently pursuing her work within the lab of Dr. Garry P. Nolan, studying complex cellular signaling networks and interactions between ovarian cancer tissues and blood immune cells. She is a joint National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and Stanford Graduate Fellow (2010-2015). Erica has given talks at universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and the University of California, Davis. She has been involved with the international SmartGeometry Conference since 2009, most recently participating on their Advisory Board. Erica is also actively involved in spreading ideas at the intersection of design and science to a broad range of age groups, through lectures, workshops and writing.
Erica’s prior educational background includes a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, 2009, and a Bachelor of Science in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University, 2002. Her additional professional experiences include architectural work at KieranTimberlake in Philadelphia and strategy consulting with Patpatia & Associates in Berkeley.
View an introductory video to Labstudio's work here.